
Wednesday, August 19, 2020


What inspires you when creating pieces? 

Freedom. The art of creative freedom to mold and shape and add positive creative energy to an object and transfer that love and time. Every Bead I touch I feel as if I am creating an entire universe of planets and stars. So I would say The entire cosmos inspires me fully.

You are an actor as well, tell us a little bit about that journey.

I would say I was always an actor. As a child, i would read Comics and act of scenarios and had super imaginary battles with evil villains. So by the time I reached adulthood before traveling to Hollywood and do it as a profession, i realized it was because I kept the child in me it allowed me to change over from your average everyday 9-5 to a career of doing what I have always been doing since I was a child.

How long have you been creating?

I have been creating since as far back as i can remember. From watching every cartoon, anime and reading every comic book which I still own today, hundreds of them...I would say as far back as the days of uner-roos

What is your dream project as an actor?

Whoa heave question. Hmmmmm surely a high octane action film with a lot of grit.

How has COVID been for you as a jewelry creator and actor?

COVID has been an inspiration. everyday I am above ground, COVID has given me the opportunity to sit back and reevaluate my circumstances and put my creative talents to use. My mind is always creating at an extremely, fast pace and the ideas I can unleash those are the ones I hop on immediately. When i decided to create God Beads, it was a no brainer. 

Any advice for anyone wanting to start their own business or becoming an actor?

My advice is to keep moving forward. You have an idea that means it's already tangible and reachable so go after it. Don't think or feel, just respond and act on it. Sitting around waiting for someone to do it for you will never happen. Its your goal, dreams and aspirations. You have and haven't all the time in the world so what little bit of time we have on this planet, create, create, create.

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