Hi John!
Thank you so much for joining us on the Spiel.
Are you currently working on anything?
I'm currently working on a new show that I will be performing at The Metropolitan Room in New York City on January 10TH, AT 7 p.m.
I will be introduced by my good friend Charles Grodin.
How would you compare the soap genre now from when you first started?
I have not kept up with the soaps on the air now so I really don't know how they compare to my experience on Ryan's Hope.
What is your advice for up and coming actors?
As far as advice is concerned, I've found that every successful actor that I know has taken a different path. Get involved with a reputable acting class and act. Be prepared when the opportunity comes. And understand that rejection comes along with being an actor. I've known so many talented people that couldn't handle the rejection. If you can be dissuaded from the acting profession then it probably wasn't for you. Follow your passion.
How can your fans keep in touch with you?
I guess the best way to contact me is through Facebook
Thank you so much again John! It was certainly my pleasure to have you here!
Warmest regards,
John Gabriel